Friday, February 03, 2006

"Building a Big-Box Kitchen"

Did anyone read this article in the "Home" section of yesterday's Washington Post? The article details how one local homebuyer purchased a home sight-unseen (he was apparently "too busy" at work to see the home beforehand) and then renovated his kitchen using off-the-shelf supplies and appliances from Home Depot and Lowes. It's an interesting look at how real people, with a lot of vision and elbow grease, can transform their homes affordably. What I found ironic was that this guy was too busy to shop for a home (relying on his real estate agent and his sister to vet homes on his behalf), but "found" the time to stand "around for more than a half an hour, waiting for a $300 sold-oak door he spied some Lowes' workers unloading to make its way to the sales floor." People make me laugh.

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