Have you ever wondered why we recommend having a "Termite and Wood Boring Insects" inspection when you purchase a home? It’s because these types of pests can do real damage to homes if they are left untreated. Carpenter Bees are one of the many types of wood boring insects that inspectors look for when surveying a property for infestation. Our friends at
US Inspect have a wonderful section on their website called “Resources for you” which goes into great detail about different insects that can cause damage to the home. For Carpenter Bees they say:
The carpenter bee (Xylocopa spp.) hollows out wood to create nests called galleries. The carpenter bee does not live in the nest but stays in the nest to rear their young. The nest opening is a perfect half-inch circle. The nest itself may extend anywhere from four (4) inches (for a new nest with one bee) to 10 feet (for older nests with several bees). Carpenter bees generally nest in weathered or unpainted wood. They lay their eggs in the nest and seal them with a chewed wood pulp plug. The bees then emerge from the hole in the Spring.
To properly eliminate a carpenter bee infestation, the proper chemicals or dust must be injected directly into the exit hole. The opening is then sealed by gluing a half-inch dowel into the opening and painting the surface. To prevent an infestation of carpenter bees, it is important to paint or stain any bare wood surfaces. Once the chemical or dust is introduced into the exit hole, the hole must be glued with a 1/2 inch dowel and painted over. To prevent an infestation of Carpenter bees, it is important to paint or stain a home's bare wood surfaces.
For more information about termite and wood boring insect inspections, visit
www.USInspect.com or contact our team at
Info@RealAstute.com. Be sure you don’t buy a house without the right inspections!
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